Spring Retreat: The Ol’ Razzle-Dazzle

Charney Manor Charney Bassett, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

Improvisation can be many things. It can be self-development, active meditation, confidence building, communication training, or a gym for your creativity. It can be two of these at the same time, or all of them on different days. Part of the delight of improv is in its flexibility. It can even just be a load […]

Get Tickets £100.00 3 tickets left

Summer Musical Intensive

Brighton Venue TBC Brighton

A week of improv by the sea? How about two?                                                 AndAlso's summer intensives are an opportunity to dive deep into one particular area of improvisation. Whether you want inspiration to take into […]

Get Tickets £150.00 56 tickets left

Summer Longform Intensive

Brighton Venue TBC Brighton

A week of improv by the sea? How about two?                                                 AndAlso’s summer intensives are an opportunity to dive deep into one particular area of improvisation. Whether you want inspiration to take into […]

Get Tickets £150.00 55 tickets left

Drop-In Classes

Free Tasters

Dip your toe in and see what an improv class is for zero pennies

The Brighton Improv Jam

Monthly, Thursdays 19:00-21:45

Musical improv drop in

First Sunday of the month
11:00 - 13:00

Brighton courses

Level 1a

Let’s just see what happens

Level 1b

Spontaneity and Play

Level 2

Owning your ideas: Boldness and Confidence

Level 3

Shared Creativity and Building a Team

Level 4

The ‘Harold’

Level 4

Musical Improv

Level 5

Other Forms

Level 6

Musical Freeform

One-off classes and events

The Brighton Improv Jam & Level 1 Showcase

Thursday 20th February @ The Walrus, Brighton

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Teaching Improv

Online 24th February & 31st March 19:00-21:30 | Brighton 8th & 9th March 10:30-16:30

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End of term showings – Levels 3 & 5 (Narrative 1)

Tuesday 8th April | Doors 19:00 | Lantern Theatre, Brighton

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End of term showings – Levels 1 & 3

Wednesday 9th April | Doors 19:00 | Lantern Theatre, Brighton

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End of term showings – Levels 1 & 2

Thursday 10th April | Doors 19:00 | Lantern Theatre, Brighton

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End of term showings – Levels 4 (Music 1) & 6 (Advanced Music)

Wednesday 16th April | Doors 19:00 | Lantern Theatre, Brighton

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Retreats & Intensives

Summer Musical Intensive

Week 1: 11th - 15th August | Week 2: 18th - 22nd August | 11:00-17:00 each day

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Summer Longform Intensive

Week 1: 11th - 15th August | Week 2: 18th - 22nd August | 11:00-17:00 each day

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  • Just awesome.
    Ruby, Brighton, UK
  • Challenging, fun, with plenty of mayhem!
  • A hugely fun and relaxed way to start your journey into musical improv, and just a lovely way to spend a day.
    Justine de Mierre, Improv Teacher, The Unqualified Yes
  • A smart, different approach to improv
    Lauren Bambauer, Improv Teacher, California
  • This was the most relaxed, unstressed and happy I’ve ever felt in my life. I just can’t truly express how grateful I am.
    Ben Stratford, Freshman, BYU
  • Simple instructions that turn out to be very useful. What has seemed complex, inscrutable and hard becomes accessible. You find answers to questions you hadn't thought to ask yet.
    Harvard Henrikson, Molecular Biologist, Norway
  • With Heather and Jules you will try everything in improv, and then, the opposite, and then the same thing, only different. They will change the way you see and do improv (for the better)!
    Luis Nogueira, Portugal