Team Building in Brighton

Your team works hard, they support each other (and you) and hit their targets. So now you want to do something for them. Maybe you want to reward them for their efforts, work on a new strategy or create cultural change. Maybe you work remotely and just want…

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Fostering an Environment of Creativity: Ten phrases to use more in your workplace

Some people just don’t see themselves as creative. Indeed, whole departments and sometimes industries think they are creative. Ask any accountant. For them, creativity is a bad word. But creativity is not only for painters and writers. It is not magic. Creativity is just what you do when…

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Unlocking Creativity in the Workplace: The Power of the Team

We all want to be creative. To see and do things in a new way. And we want our teams and companies to be more creative. Often, we need them to be. After all, doing what you have always done will just produce what you have always produced.

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Boosting Business Agility: How Improv Can Help Your Team Adapt

“When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?” John Maynard Keynes One meaning of the word ‘improvisation’ is ‘what you do when things go wrong’. When a plan falls apart, you improvise, right? The groceries didn’t come! Quick, what can we…

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Improv for Team Communication

‘I will learn more of a man in an hour of play than a week of conversation’ (Incorrectly attributed to) Plato Wherever you work, whatever the task and whatever the size of your team, communication will make or break it. No matter the individual…

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