What is Applied Improv?

Applied improvisation is where theatrical improv techniques leave the stage and are used to transform lives in the real world. It’s the use of improv principles outside of comedy or performance, whether it’s in business, education, personal development and more. At AndAlso Improv, we tend not to use the term ‘applied improv’ so much as it can sound a bit like jargon. However improv in the workplace doesn’t quite cover the scope of it either. We believe that improv has the power to unlock creativity & confidence, improve communication, collaboration and so much more in any setting.


Applied Improvisation in Business

Improvisation in business has become a game-changer for companies looking to innovate and adapt in a VUCA landscape. Applied improv helps teams break down silos, think on their feet, and respond to challenges with agility and creativity. Whether it’s through workshops, team-building exercises, or leadership training, improv techniques can be used to enhance problem-solving skills, improve communication, and build stronger, more cohesive teams.

At AndAlso Improv, we offer sessions that help businesses foster an environment where ideas can flourish, and innovation can thrive. Our business-focused improv workshops encourage participants to embrace the “Yes, and…” mindset.  However, every organisation and team is different and we adapt what we offer according to company culture and the unique project or challenge each time.  At AndAlso Improv, we offer sessions that help businesses foster an environment where ideas can flourish, and innovation can thrive. Our business-focused improv workshops encourage participants to embrace the “Yes, and…” mindset. However, every organisation and team is different and we adapt what we offer according to company culture and the unique project or challenge each time.

Improv for Wellness

Improv for therapy, coaching and even medicine is another powerful application of applied improvisation. Therapists and coaches use applied improv techniques to help clients explore new perspectives, reduce anxiety, and improve social skills. The playful nature of improv makes it an accessible and enjoyable way to work through personal challenges in a safe and supportive environment. Medical professionals are increasingly using applied improv techniques in their patient and colleague interactions. You can read more about these specific areas at the following links:

Improv in Education

Improv in education is a dynamic way to enhance learning and foster creativity in students of all ages. Teachers and educators use applied improv techniques to make lessons more engaging, encourage active participation, and develop critical thinking skills. Improv exercises can be used to teach everything from storytelling and writing to problem-solving and collaboration.

At And Also Improv, we work with schools and educational institutions to bring the benefits of improv into the classroom. Our programs are designed to help students build confidence, improve communication, and develop a love for learning that goes beyond the traditional curriculum.

Applied Improv for Personal Development

Finally, applied improvisation is a powerful tool for personal development. Whether you’re looking to boost your confidence, improve your social skills, or simply embrace a more spontaneous and joyful way of living, improv has something to offer. Through fun and interactive exercises, participants learn to let go of perfectionism, take risks, and trust their instincts. At And Also Improv, our public courses are not designed with personal development front and centre but thousands of our students have reported personal development as a side effect. Whether you’re looking to step out of your comfort zone, enhance your relationships, or simply have fun, improv can help you unlock these areas through regular practice.

Discover the Power of Applied Improvisation

Applied improvisation is more than just a set of techniques—it’s a mindset that can transform every aspect of your life. At And Also Improv, we’re passionate about sharing the benefits of improv with individuals, businesses, and communities. Whether you’re looking to improve your work environment, enhance your personal life, or simply explore a new way of thinking, our applied improv programs can help you get there. Ready to experience the power of improv? Get in touch with us today to learn more about our workshops and how we can tailor a program to meet your needs.

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