Tuesdays for 6 weeks from 4th March to 8th April, 19:30-21:30 UK time
Virtual Event
April 29th @ 19:30 - June 3rd @ 21:30
Virtual Event
Free – £145.00
What is frustrating and inspiring you in improvisation right now?
Starting each time from this question, this course has no syllabus apart from what you bring and what we discover together. In the past, focuses have included dialogue, variety in relationships, being bold, structures of scenes and many other things. The aim of this class is to explore how we improvise without a set end goal, discovering what works and doesn’t for each individual, making you more flexible and responsive to your partner, the situation and how you are feeling in the scene. Come do a class of exactly the improv that you want and need right now.
This online class is highly experimental, and recommended for people that have three or more years of regular improv experience. If you are unsure if it is the class for you, drop us an email to hello@andalsoimprov.com
This course is for 6 weeks from 29th April, 19:30-21:30 UK time.
"A hugely fun and relaxed way to start your journey into musical improv, and just a lovely way to spend a day."
Justine de Mierre, Improv Teacher, The Unqualified Yes
"A smart, different approach to improv."
Lauren Bambauer, Improv Teacher, California
"This was the most relaxed, unstressed and happy I’ve ever felt in my life. I just can’t truly express how grateful I am."
Ben Stratford, Freshman, BYU
"Feeling TAUGHT! The right balance of fun and education! It feels like we've grown and become cohesive as a troupe."
Level 3 Graduate 2024
"Simple instructions that turn out to be very useful. What has seemed complex, inscrutable and hard becomes accessible. You find answers to questions you hadn't thought to ask yet."
Harvard Henrikson, Molecular Biologist, Norway
"I have gained an upgrade in confidence and decision making and getting out of my comfort zone too.”
Level 1 Graduate 2024
"Serious silliness. Managed mayhem. Professional playing. Intentionally In the moment."
Steve, Level 5 Graduate 2024
"With Heather and Jules you will try everything in improv, and then, the opposite, and then the same thing, only different. They will change the way you see and do improv (for the better)!"
Luis Nogueira, Portugal
“Proud to be on board. I feel like I've grown at a cellular level!”
Sam, Level 4 Graduate 2024
“It will brighten your week. I would find myself stepping into deep belly laughter every lesson.”