Richard loves nothing more than to help AndAlso – and our client organisations – to prosper, by identifying unique training and development solutions which meet institutional objectives.
Richard worked for over 10 years alongside The Maydays, before focussing in on AndAlso with Jules, Heather and Lel. Albeit a huge fan of improv, he’s happy to work off-stage, behind the scenes with a blurry job title – somewhere between a secret CEO, corporate liaison and marketing director.
One of his several other work hats is that of educational marketing consultant at his own agency, where he’s a fan of proper old-fashioned marketing: the perfect alignment of what an organisation wants and needs, with a highly honed solution – like the very specific brand of improvisation and experiential learning AndAlso Improv can offer. That, he assures us, is his happy place! We’re fairly happy with that too.