How Online Improv can Help your Team

Your own room. No commute. Your full selection of teas in the cupboard and the freedom to take the dog for a walk at lunch. There are many advantages to working from home. But there are downsides too. You lose the casual coffee break, and the chats in…

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Improv for Team Communication

‘I will learn more of a man in an hour of play than a week of conversation’ (Incorrectly attributed to) Plato Wherever you work, whatever the task and whatever the size of your team, communication will make or break it. No matter the individual…

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Improvisation and Impostor Syndrome

Impostor syndrome. The feeling that you’re a fraud, that everyone is going to ‘find you out’ and that you don’t deserve to be here. Hands up who’s experienced this? I know I have. I’ve had a lot of it the last couple of years. Passing my driving test, buying a…

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