Juwel HuqueJuwel started out by taking improvisation classes after work. He got the bug; taking more classes, forming performing teams with classmates, and volunteering at schools and theatres. In his quest to master improv and spread its benefits to others, he has learned and played in every kind of show from every kind of teacher, and is now an adept performer and passionate facilitator of longform improvisation.

Juwel performs and retreats with The Maydays, is a founding member of Britain’s first all-Asian ensemble Comediasians, plays at festivals with all-stars Somewhat Theatre, and gets into trouble in his solo games act Player One. He directed the sports-themed Nursery Original show United, and pirate radio-inspired Tag FM. He has served London’s improv community as a producer, administrator, photographer, eminent tech improviser, and Theatre Manager for The Nursery Theatre.

Obsessed with How Things Work, Juwel examines the mechanical and psychological factors that make for smart, fun, and human improv shows and classes. He aims to create emboldened and curious improvisers by lowering barriers, encouraging play, promoting belonging, and inciting reflection. A gentle and thoughtful teacher, Juwel loves to help his learners surprise and delight themselves and each other.