What’s coming in 2024?

New Year’s is a terrible time for resolutions, so we won’t be making any. That doesn’t mean there aren’t loads of things in the offing, just that they are all continuations of what we have been doing before. Here are a few headlines of what you can expect from us…

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On being boring

Meditate for the first time and your brain might well go something like this: “OK, just do nothing. This should be easy. Try a harder one, Mr. meditation teacher! I’m always wanting to do nothing. Here we go: nothing! I’m doing so well at doing nothing!…

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On Originality and cheesecake

I don’t travel to improv festivals very much anymore, mostly cos of having two very energetic kids. That and setting up a new company with some pretty ambitious goals. I never did as much as Heather, but whenever I did, regular as clockwork, I would have a crisis…

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