Where should I start?

Do you want to be more imaginative and confident? To create and have fun in a supportive environment? Do you want to laugh hard and maybe even surprise yourself? Why not try AndAlso’s online improvisation classes for beginners?

Not just a form of theatre, improvisation is increasingly recognised as a powerful self-development tool. It has thousands of adherents worldwide and is taught at universities from Stanford to King’s College. Improv can help you cope with uncertainty, feel more comfortable in groups, and build your creativity. And it is also a lot of fun.

Our modules

Our level 1 syllabus is split into four animal-themed modules, which can be taken in any order and as many times as you like. New courses start each month and we have time slots to suit different time zones.

Online Beginner Modules

The Octopus

An octopus is flexible and responsive and even changing colour to blend in with its environment. This module has you learning from the octopus, creating and discarding many ideas, and responding with speed and agility.

The Bat

Bats use their extraordinary senses to navigate and find food, even in the dark. This module concentrates on noticing everything that is happening, taking everything in

The Tiger

A tiger is powerful when it needs to be, but can also move in complete silence. In this module, you will focus on offering your ideas boldly without steamrollering.

The Penguin

Penguins huddle together to survive the harsh Antarctic winters. In this module, you will concentrate on the cooperative nature of improvisation, giving up your ego to build swiftly and easily together.

We are told to make a plan and stick to it. To think carefully, work out our options and optimise. And sometimes all of this becomes stubbornness. As circumstances change, so should we. Because, after all, life is improvised. Come learn the skills to deal with it.

Taught by some of the UK’s most experienced teachers, AndAlso’s improv courses have been helping people in Brighton for almost twenty years. Our students include healthcare workers, academics, homemakers, coaches, students, civil servants and lawyers. Everyone is welcome, anyone can benefit.

  • Be endlessly and effortlessly creative
  • Be flexible resilient under pressure
  • Build your focus and presence
  • Connect and communicate with anyone

Our classes help you explore improvisation in short, impactful classes. Although highly interactive, our groups are welcoming to introverts or those who are nervous. Classes are short and most exercises are done in small groups. No babysitter, no parking. All you need is a laptop (or tablet) with a webcam.

AndAlso has run thousands of hours of classes with students across the globe, back to the COVID-19 pandemic and before. From your first-ever class to professional coaching, we are experts at creating a supportive and welcoming environment for online improvisation. So make yourself a cup of tea and join us. Our classes are not close by, they are in your living room.

Laughter while you learn, connection, and surprises are guaranteed. Come play.

Our Times

Each Intro to Improv course is made up of four one-hour Zoom sessions and is offered at two different time slots. Your group may be up to fourteen in total, but you will spend most of your time in small groups.


  • UK 18:00
  • CET 19:00
  • California 10:00
  • New York 13:00
  • New Zealand 07:00

Wednesdays & Sundays:

  • UK 19:00
  • CET 20:00
  • California 11:00
  • New York 14:00
  • New Zealand 08:00
Our Prices
AndAlso is not a charity. However, we want to make our classes accessible to as many people as possible. Therefore, our classes have three price bands, none of which are capped. We encourage you to book the price that feels correct to you based on your income, location, and any other factors you think are relevant. We never want finances to be a barrier to improvisation and never ask for any justification or proof.
Closed Groups
If you have a group of friends or colleagues who would like to take one of these courses as a closed group, drop us an email at hello@andalsoimprov.com to discuss a private booking.