Ric studied improvisation with iO Chicago, UCB New York, and The Maydays in Brighton. He has also trained in acting with ACT Brighton and clowning with Spymonkey. Ric is a founding member of Tea & Toast Improv, helps to run monthly improv night Scoops, and performs regularly with Scaramouche: the improvised rock opera. He is one half of the improvised crime-fighting duo Jelly and Baguette and is always trying something new, whether that’s an experimental two-person musical or a one-off naturalistic improvised play. Ric has performed at festivals throughout the UK and Europe.
Ric loves musical improv and is an occasional musical director for Tea & Toast Improv. He combines acting in scenes with playing piano for the Hollywood-style musical Bla Bla Land, and guitar for the cowboy campfire show Hitch Your Wagon.
As a teacher and coach, Ric enjoys exploring the mechanics of scenes and finding comedic patterns. Having worked with many different organisations, Ric is also particularly interested in how the skills and methods of improvisation can be beneficial in the workplace.