A Pocket of Change

Considering I’m a professional improviser, I’m really not great with change. For isn’t improvisation the art of change? No two shows are the same, and once a show is done, it’s gone forever, never to be repeated. When it feels like it’s gone badly, this can be a…

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An Abundance of Abundance

I am a big believer in the idea of abundance. I don’t want to go all Tony Robbins or anything but having an abundance mindset has always served me well. At the very least, it has certainly served me as an improviser. Or…

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How to talk less in improvisation – a Poem

One of the first questions people ask when they find out I am an improviser is ‘What happens if you can’t think of anything to say?’ As if saying things is the most important part. And it’s true: some improvisers tend to conflate how much dialogue…

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5 Animals that are like Improvisers

This week is Animal Week at AndAlso (that means all our drop-in classes will have this theme). So to celebrate, here’s a list of 5 animals that are like improvisers. Both as performers and as characters. Peacocks  (or ‘Peapocks’ as my 2-year-old Iggy calls them) As…

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Playing Status

If you ask an improviser to define status, I suspect many would struggle to pin it down. But I’m also willing to bet that most of them could show you status in a heartbeat. Because status, like stories and songs, is everywhere. It happens all the time in every interaction…

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Getting emotional

Confession: I’m a very emotional person. Watching my 2 year old son trying to blow seeds off a dandelion makes me squeal in delight. Trying to insert a signature into a PDF will make me fly into a rage. A grey haired sweet old dog shuffling slowly along in the…

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Improvisation and Impostor Syndrome

Impostor syndrome. The feeling that you’re a fraud, that everyone is going to ‘find you out’ and that you don’t deserve to be here. Hands up who’s experienced this? I know I have. I’ve had a lot of it the last couple of years. Passing my driving test, buying a…

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